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Image by Evan Dennis



What do we know about the Cali Boy found right after Deorr went missing, at the Motel 6 in Stanton, California?


What we do know after working on this theory a shit ton, is that there is ONE person who is friends with the immediate family and is also BFFs with both Motel 6 Managers at the time of discovery. Not only does this person know the Managers, but he owned his own Body Shop approx 3 blocks away from the Motel, but now lives in Idaho Falls.

We also know and have been following the Boy claimed to be the Cali Boy by his Uncle John Peterson IV via Facebook comments to this day and even know the name of the child that it's said to be, along with pics of him in current day.

Frank Vilt had sent on two different occasions, along with Det. Noah of Bonneville County, Idaho to check the identity of this child. All come back and say that the detectives in Cali, sent by Vilt and Noah, came back to report that it was not Deorr, per documentation. (We have heard that the Stanton PD is highly corrupt) DNA has not been done to this day.

However the Maid at the time has been in contact with us at one point, along with Maria RedRum. The maid seemed to think it was definitely Deorr and that the police came in yelling at the Managers and threatening arrests if they didn't keep quiet. She stated that the boy was found outside at night (possible AM dark) under the stairs in his car seat, soiled Diaper, and the only words he could say, were Mickey. 

This theory has always been an interest to us due to the ONE person who could have pulled this off with ties to each side.

During a personal call with Vernal, he stated that he knew approximately 3 days before the post was ever made on the Cali boy that the boy looked like a Mexican Baby with Down syndrome and just knew it wasn't Deorr. He said he was given about 300 pics of this baby. However...Vernal clearly stated on Facebook that he was the Father of Deorr and that no one had convinced him yet that it was not Deorr and he even went as far as to pull out money from GoFundMe for airline tickets, with the promise of a Deorr Follower to replenish the money in the amount of $1,000, but Vernal never made it to Cali. Supposedly a family member who lived in Cali and never met Deorr, went over to check and said no it wasn't Deorr. How does any of them know 100% if no one who actually knew him to go check for themselves? And what did they do with that money that was replenished by a Deorr Follower? (NOTE: The baby pictured, as well as the boy in the grass, is the real Nephew of John Peterson IV), (Also NOTE: That the Cali Boy was found on 9/13/2015 and Vernal stated publicly on 9/16/2015 that he was not convinced it was not Deorr. So how did Vernal know 3 days before?)

We are open to other's opinions on this fact that we do have in hand. Is he alive or dead? Without proper investigation into this, we may never know. What we do know, is that there are Cadaver scents all over the campground they called 911 from.

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