When was the camping trip really planned and when did Vernal really find out about camping?
According to Jess's written statement, she told Vernal Wednesday night, followed by Grandpa banging on the door Thursday morning to remind them about camping (Vernal answered the door). But yet Vernal says he didn't know until Thursday while with his boss.
So was it planned a week ahead, Wednesday the 8th (last minute), or was this a cover-up situation? If covered up and happened closer to home, what home? The only one not searched yet is Dennis's (Vernal's Dad) home. We are hoping that Klein has this place on his list to search and with dogs.
Seems like them Going to Vernal's Dads house was the original plan. I wonder if that is why Jess slipped that they got gas across the Clover Creek Hotel (in Montpelier). How did she mix up where they got gas? @19:21 in the video below.
Many including Dispatch/Police Station (Lemhi?) believe that Deorr never even made it to camp and that he had died closer to home.